MAXS Module ContactsRead: User Guide

Table of Contents

1. Overview

Lookup contact information.

This module is also used by other MAXS modules to map data to a contact name, e.g. SmsNotify will only display the contact name of an incoming SMS if ContactsRead is installed.

Makes optional use of modules none
Uses inoffical Android API no

1.1. Permissions

Permission Use
android.permission.READ_CONTATS Read-only access to the contacts

2. Commands

2.1. contact (short command: c)

2.1.1. contact lookup

Lookup contact information by a given String.

#+BEGINEXAMPLE User: contact lookup Jane AndroidDevice: Jane Doe Home: +1 555 1231 Mobile: +1 555 2222 #+ENDSRC

2.1.2. contact num <number>

Lookup a contact by a given number.

#+BEGINEXAMPLE User: contact num +1 555 1231 AndroidDevice: Jane Doe Home: +1 555 1231 Mobile: +1 555 2222 #+ENDSRC

Created: 2022-04-26 Di 17:58
